












  • Quotationを使う場合
    • 取引相手が正式な見積もりを求めている場合
    • 価格や条件が確定している場合
    • 契約書として有効にしたい場合
  • Estimateを使う場合
    • 取引相手が概算の見積もりを求めている場合
    • 価格や条件が変わる可能性がある場合
    • 契約書として有効にしない場合


QuotationやEstimateは長い単語なので、ビジネスではよく略称を使います。Quotationの略称はQuote(クォート)であり、Estimateの略称はEst(エスト)です。また、見積もり依頼を表す単語にはRFQ(Request for Quotation)やRFE(Request for Estimate)があります。これらはメールの件名や文中でよく使われます。



  • 見積もり依頼メールの基本構成とマナー
  • 見積もり依頼メールの書き方のポイント:明確かつ簡潔に
  • 見積もり依頼メールの例文:商品やサービスによって変えるべき部分
  • 見積もり依頼メールに返信する時の注意点とメール例文



  • 件名:見積もり依頼であることと商品やサービスの名前を書く
  • 挨拶:相手の名前と敬称を使って挨拶する
  • 自己紹介:自分や自分の会社の名前と役職を書く
  • 背景:どこで相手の商品やサービスを知ったか、どんな関心やニーズがあるかを書く
  • 要件:見積もりを求める商品やサービスの詳細を書く
  • 締切:見積もりを受け取りたい日付や時間を書く
  • 結び:返信を待つ旨と感謝の気持ちを表す
  • 署名:自分の名前と連絡先を書く


  • 相手に負担をかけないように丁寧に依頼する
  • 相手に不明点がないように必要な情報を全て提供する
  • 相手に余裕を持たせるように締切を適切に設定する
  • 相手に返信しやすいように質問や要望を明確にする



  • 見出しや箇条書きを使って、メールの構成や要点を分かりやすくする
  • 重要なキーワードを見出しや文頭に置いて、メールの目的や内容を明確にする
  • 不要な情報や繰り返しを省いて、メールの長さを短くする
  • 文章を簡単な単語や表現に分けて、メールの読みやすさを高める


見積もり依頼メールの例文を紹介します。この例文は、英語でオンライン英会話のサービスを提供する会社に見積もりを依頼する場合のものです。商品やサービスによって変えるべき部分は、[ ]で囲んでいます。自分の状況に合わせて、適切な内容に書き換えてください。

件名:[Request for Quotation for Online English Conversation Service]

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am [Taro Yamada], the [manager] of [ABC Co., Ltd.], a [software development company] in [Tokyo, Japan].

I found your company’s website through [Google search] and I am interested in your [online English conversation service]. I would like to request a quotation for this service.

We are looking for a [professional and reliable] service that can help our [employees] improve their [English communication skills] for [business purposes]. We have about [50 employees] who need this service, and we would like to start it from [January 1, 2024].

Please provide us with the following information in your quotation:

  • The [price] per hour or per month for each employee
  • The [payment method] and the [payment terms]
  • The [schedule] and the [duration] of each session
  • The [curriculum] and the [level] of each course
  • The [qualification] and the [experience] of each instructor
  • The [features] and the [benefits] of your service

We would appreciate it if you could send us your quotation by [December 15, 2023]. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Taro Yamada] [Manager of ABC Co., Ltd.] [Email address] [Phone number]



  • 返信はできるだけ早く行う
  • 相手の名前と敬称を使って挨拶する
  • 相手の見積もり依頼に対して感謝の気持ちを表す
  • 見積もりを添付する場合はその旨を伝える
  • 見積もりに関する質問や要望があれば明確に伝える
  • 追加の情報や提案があれば付加価値として提供する
  • 結びに相手に次のアクションを促す


件名:Re: Request for Quotation for Online English Conversation Service

Dear Mr. Yamada,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our online English conversation service. We are pleased to provide you with our quotation for this service.

Please find attached our quotation in PDF format. It includes all the information you requested, such as the price, the payment method, the schedule, the curriculum, the qualification of the instructors, and the features and benefits of our service.

We hope that our quotation meets your expectations and budget. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to discuss and negotiate any details with you.

As a special offer, we would like to give you a [10% discount] if you sign up for our service by [December 31, 2023]. We also offer a [free trial session] for you and your employees to experience our service before making a decision.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you on this project.


[John Smith] [CEO of XYZ Co., Ltd.] [Email address] [Phone number]



  • 見積もり作成時の基本構成とマナー
  • 見積もり作成時の書き方のポイント:正確かつ詳細に
  • 見積もり作成時のテンプレート:QuotationとEstimateの違いを反映する
  • 見積もりを添付したカバーレター(メール本文)の書き方と例文



  • ヘッダー:自分や自分の会社のロゴや住所などを書く
  • 日付:見積もりを作成した日付を書く
  • 宛名:相手の名前や会社名、住所などを書く
  • 件名:見積もりであることと商品やサービスの名前を書く
  • 挨拶:相手に感謝の気持ちや見積もりを提供する旨を伝える
  • 内容:見積もりの詳細を表やリストで書く
    • 商品やサービスの説明や数量
    • 単価や合計金額
    • 税金や送料などの追加費用
    • 支払い方法や支払い期限
    • 納期や納品方法
    • 有効期限や条件など
  • 結び:相手に次のアクションを促す
  • 署名:自分の名前や連絡先を書く


  • 相手が求めている情報を全て提供する
  • 相手が分かりやすいように見出しや番号をつける
  • 相手が納得できるように価格や条件の根拠を説明する
  • 相手が迷わないように有効期限や条件を明記する



  • 商品やサービスの説明は具体的かつ魅力的に書く
  • 数字は小数点以下2桁まで表示し、単位は明記する
  • 税金や送料などの追加費用は別途表示し、合計金額は太字で強調する
  • 支払い方法や支払い期限はオプションを提示し、相手に選択肢を与える
  • 納期や納品方法は相手の希望に応じて柔軟に対応する
  • 有効期限や条件は相手に圧力をかけないように優しく伝える



  • 件名に「Quotation」や「Quote」と書く
  • 内容に「This is a quotation for …」や「We are pleased to quote you as follows …」と書く
  • 結びに「Please sign and return this quotation to confirm your order …」や「We look forward to receiving your order …」と書く


  • 件名に「Estimate」や「Est」と書く
  • 内容に「This is an estimate for …」や「We are pleased to provide you with the following estimate …」と書く
  • 結びに「Please note that this estimate is subject to change …」や「We look forward to hearing from you …」と書く

見積もり作成時のテンプレートは以下のようになります。[ ]で囲んだ部分は、自分の状況に合わせて適切な内容に書き換えてください。

[XYZ Co., Ltd.] [Logo] [Address] [Phone number] [Email address]


[ABC Co., Ltd.] [Name of the recipient] [Address of the recipient]

Subject: [Quotation/Estimate for Online English Conversation Service]

Dear [Mr./Ms. Name of the recipient],

Thank you for your email and your interest in our online English conversation service. We are pleased to [quote/provide you with the following estimate] for this service.

[This is a quotation/estimate] for [online English conversation service] for [50 employees] of [ABC Co., Ltd.] starting from [January 1, 2024].

The details of our [quotation/estimate] are as follows:

DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price
Online English conversation service50[$100/month][$5,000/month]
Grand Total[$5,500/month]

The [payment method] is [bank transfer/paypal/credit card]. The [payment terms] are [30 days net/in advance/on delivery].

The [schedule] of each session is [Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm]. The [duration] of each session is [60 minutes]. The [curriculum] of each course is based on [the level and the goal of each employee]. The [qualification] of each instructor is [native speaker with TEFL certificate and more than 5 years of teaching experience]. The [features] and benefits of our service are [professional and reliable, customized and flexible, interactive and fun].

This [quotation/estimate] is valid until [December 31, 2023]. The terms and conditions are attached to this document.

[Please sign and return this quotation to confirm your order/Please note that this estimate is subject to change]. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to discuss and negotiate any details with you.

We look forward to [receiving your order/hearing from you soon] and working with you on this project.


[John Smith] [CEO of XYZ Co., Ltd.] [Email address] [Phone number]



  • 見積もりを断る場合のマナーと理由の伝え方
  • 見積もりを断る場合のメール例文:丁寧にお断りする方法
  • 見積もりを交渉する場合のマナーと要望の伝え方
  • 見積もりを交渉する場合のメール例文:具体的に提案する方法



  • 相手に感謝の気持ちや謝罪の言葉を述べる
  • 相手に不快な思いや損害を与えないように丁寧に断る
  • 相手に納得してもらうように具体的かつ正当な理由を説明する
  • 相手に今後の関係を維持したいという意思を示す



件名:Re: Quotation/Estimate for Online English Conversation Service

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for your email and your quotation/estimate for online English conversation service. We appreciate your prompt and detailed response.

We have carefully reviewed your quotation/estimate and we regret to inform you that we have decided not to accept it. The reason for our decision is [that your price is too high for our budget/that your schedule is not compatible with our employees’ availability/that your curriculum is not suitable for our employees’ needs].

We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause you. We hope that you understand our situation and respect our decision.

We would like to thank you for your time and effort in preparing the quotation/estimate. We are impressed by your professional and reliable service. We hope that we can work with you in the future if there is another opportunity.


[Taro Yamada] [Manager of ABC Co., Ltd.] [Email address] [Phone number]



  • 相手に感謝の気持ちや興味の言葉を述べる
  • 相手に不満や非難の態度を見せないように丁寧に交渉する
  • 相手に納得してもらうように具体的かつ妥当な要望を提案する
  • 相手に相互利益や長期的な関係を重視するという意思を示す



件名:Re: Quotation/Estimate for Online English Conversation Service

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for your email and your quotation/estimate for online English conversation service. We appreciate your prompt and detailed response.

We have carefully reviewed your quotation/estimate and we are interested in your service. However, we have some concerns about [the price/the schedule/the curriculum] of your service. We would like to discuss and negotiate with you about these points.

Our concerns and suggestions are as follows:

  • [The price] of your service is [$5,500/month], which is [higher than our budget/lower than the market average]. We would like to ask you to [lower the price to $4,500/month/match the price of your competitors].
  • [The schedule] of your service is [Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm], which is [not compatible with our employees’ availability/not flexible enough for our employees’ preferences]. We would like to ask you to [change the schedule to Monday to Friday, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm/offer more options for the schedule].
  • [The curriculum] of your service is based on [the level and the goal of each employee], which is [not suitable for our employees’ needs/not clear enough for our employees’ evaluation]. We would like to ask you to [customize the curriculum according to our employees’ feedback/provide us with the syllabus and the assessment criteria of each course].

We hope that you can understand our situation and consider our suggestions. We believe that by making these changes, we can achieve a mutually beneficial and long-term relationship.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and reaching an agreement with you.


[Taro Yamada] [Manager of ABC Co., Ltd.] [Email address] [Phone number]




  • 英語では見積もりを表す単語にQuotation(正式な見積もり)とEstimate(概算の見積もり)があり、使い分ける必要がある
  • 見積もりを依頼する時には、メールの基本構成とマナーを守り、必要な情報を明確かつ簡潔に伝える
  • 見積もりを作成する時には、メールの基本構成とマナーを守り、商品やサービスの価値を正確かつ詳細に伝える
  • 見積もりを断る(交渉する)時には、メールのマナーと理由を守り、相手に丁寧に断る(提案する)





